Thursday 15 December 2011


BAMFORD Ancillary - Billboard - Final Draft

For my Billboard ancillary, as a group, we photographed each character against a brick wall. 
This represents that they live in an urban area.
Brick walls can also separate people, it reflects that people in the soap need to be separated, such as separating the fight, between the 3 male characters.
The slogan 'where everbody knows your name' was taken from a previous soap opera 'Cheers'. This could represent that there is close friendships in the soap, and that they all know each other. This follows the convention set by soap operas such as Coronation Street, or Eastenders, where everybody knows everybody on their street!

BAMFORD Ancillary - Magazine Final Draft

I created a magazine with my soap as the main exclusive part of the magazine.
I chose the name 'TV Digital' by analysing existing TV Magazine Mastheads.
I looked at existing magazine headings such as 'TV & Satalite Week' and 'Radio Times'.
I took the existing conventions, such as Bold, Clear mastheads and focusing on the actor/atress rather than the characters of the chosen soap.
I have also included a strap line at the top of my magazine, which follows the conventions of TV and Satalite Week. It also includes the logo of the chosen organisation used. (freeview)

Evaluation Question 1

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination between your main product, and your ancillary texts?

After creating my soap opera trailer, I designed 2 ancillary's to be presented with the trailer. I created a magazine front cover, and a billboard advertisement.

We split up into 2 separate groups to create a magazine cover, and came back together to create one billboard for our group.
Me (Phil Coffey), Liam Connors and Haseeb Ishfaq worked together to create a magazine, which we named TV Digital.

Ancillary 1 - Television Magazine

I have used one of Bamford’s main characters as the star of the magazine. I thought it would be suitable to have a picture of Mason on the front as there is a good story from the fact that he is back in town. However, we used the actors name, Liam Connors in the sub heading. 
We used the actors name, in order to follow the conventions of the existing television magazine, TV & Satalite Week. 

When creating the TV Magazine, we used some of the conventions from the existing TV magazine, called TV and Satellite Week. Both magazines focus more on the actors or actress’s rather than focussing on the characters in the soaps.
We also included 2 other images of different soaps in white backgrounds so that they stand out to the readers. 

Ancillary 2 - Billboard

After creating separate magazine front covers, we came together as a group and created a billboard advertisement for our soap, BAMFORD.

For the billboard, we photographed each of the characters against a brick wall. This shows that the soap is set in an urban area.
. Brick walls are also used to separate things. This could suggest that people in the soap are separated from each other, they have nobody to turn to. However, the strap line ‘Everybody knows your name’ could suggest that it is a close community in the Bamford soap.

My products have a good mode of address. I think the bill board is aimed at everybody within the age range of 16 – 19 who live in urban areas. The urban area is represented by the brick wall background.

E4 Branding
I researched the E4 Style Guide on the internet, and found out the exact font which the writing was in, and where it was positioned on the page.
After downloading the American Typewriter font, I was then able to create a Bamford logo, in the style of E4.

E4 Style - Bamford

By using the American Typewriter font, I was able to create the Bamford advert in the style of E4, and add it onto my final billboard.

Product Continuity

I have taken screenshots from the soap trailer which I created to show how accurate the continuity was throughout the 3 products.
Liam (Mason) has also kept the same costume on when posing for the magazine front cover. 
Having good continuity shown by the kinds of costumes people wear, helps the audience to be able to define the characters personalities. People may stereotype Rav, as being a youth, as he is wearing a hoodie.

Magazine Ancillary 2

As we split up into two separate groups, Corina, Ellie, Sammi & Lucy created a 'trashy' magazine cover to go with our more sophisticated look magazine. 
They have followed the conventions from the existing TV magazine 'TV Quick'

Unlike Me, Liam & Haseeb, their magazine is based more around the characters of the soaps where as ours is based around the actual actors & actress's.

Evaluation Question 3 - Audience Feedback

Soap Trailer
After analysing my audience feedback, I realised that at some points, the sound of my product could have been improved in some places. However the song which I had chosen went well with the genre of the soap opera.
I found out that they enigma worked well for the audience as it was teasing them by asking rhetorical questions. This could keep the audience interested and make them want to watch the trailer when it is broadcasted.

Ancillary 1 - Billboard
From my billboard, I was told that the layout looked very professional. The brick wall background helped to resemble the characters well.
However, even though the layout looked professional, and had good continuity from watching the soap trailer, some of the characters pictured were too close together, and could appear squashed when looking at the picture.
The E4 style guide was followed well, and the correct fonts were used, in the correct place on the billboard!

Ancillary 2 - Magazine
It is a professional looking magazine based around the actors rather than the characters in the soap.
The colours work well on the page, and the magazine star stands out well to the audience.
The advertisements of other soaps work well on the page, as they are noticeable, but dont take too much attention away from the cover star, and his story.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Evaluation Question 4

For this evaluation question, I have produced a step by step guide with running commentary on how to use iMovie, which was the program I used to edit, and create my soap trailer.
I used apple macs to add the different effects, and title cards into my soap trailer.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

BAMFORD - Final Rough Cut

I have almost finished my Bamford soap trailer now. Some bits just need to be sharpened up, and the volume changing at some parts of the trailer!

Monday 12 December 2011

BAMFORD Ancillary - Magazine - Draft

I have based my TV Magazine cover on the existing conventions of the TV & Satalite Week magazine. 
By following the conventions of that magazine, I have based the star heading around the actor, rather than the character of the soap!

BAMFORD Ancillary - Billboard - Final

I have almost finished this billboard, however I need to add in a slogan onto the top of the image.
The ideas which I have are: 
"Always somebody to turn to"
"Where everybody knows your name" (CHEERS SOAP)

I have also done some research on the E4 Style Guide, and realised that there is no need for the text to say
"Monday 9pm on E4" 
it should just say "Monday 9pm"
We have also discussed as a group what time the program should be aired at, and decided that it should be changed to be first broadcast at 8PM.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Billboard Ancillary - First Draft

This is the first draft of my billboard. 
I have followed my plans, and chosen to have a brick wall background, as it has the best effect, and could suit my soap trailer well. 

Magazine Ancillary Planning

Billboard Ancillary Planning

This is the planning for my first ancillary for a BAMFORD Billboard.
It is a full cast image, with the main character at the front. 

Story Board Planning for BAMFORD

As a group, we designed a set of storyboard plans for our soap, Bamford.
It involves each scene such as the pregnancy, and the fight scenes. It also includes some scenes which didnt make it into the soap trailer.