Thursday 15 December 2011

Evaluation Question 3 - Audience Feedback

Soap Trailer
After analysing my audience feedback, I realised that at some points, the sound of my product could have been improved in some places. However the song which I had chosen went well with the genre of the soap opera.
I found out that they enigma worked well for the audience as it was teasing them by asking rhetorical questions. This could keep the audience interested and make them want to watch the trailer when it is broadcasted.

Ancillary 1 - Billboard
From my billboard, I was told that the layout looked very professional. The brick wall background helped to resemble the characters well.
However, even though the layout looked professional, and had good continuity from watching the soap trailer, some of the characters pictured were too close together, and could appear squashed when looking at the picture.
The E4 style guide was followed well, and the correct fonts were used, in the correct place on the billboard!

Ancillary 2 - Magazine
It is a professional looking magazine based around the actors rather than the characters in the soap.
The colours work well on the page, and the magazine star stands out well to the audience.
The advertisements of other soaps work well on the page, as they are noticeable, but dont take too much attention away from the cover star, and his story.

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