Thursday 8 December 2011

Billboard Ancillary - First Draft

This is the first draft of my billboard. 
I have followed my plans, and chosen to have a brick wall background, as it has the best effect, and could suit my soap trailer well. 


  1. Like it!!! The brick wall works well and I like the whole layout thing with you as the main character. Talk about why you have laye it out like that - make comments about how it is connected to the story line, also comment on how Haseeb and Liam helped you with it otherwise they won't get the marks... Sammi :)

  2. Also... you can see the green screen reflection on haseeb's face and on the rim of his glasses, on photoshop, zoom in to 200% and using the poly-something lasso tool you can goo around the fine edged without affecting the overall result. S.

  3. Sorry, this is the last one, I promise - you can totally tell you're photoshopped in, get rid of the whit lines around your arms!! S.
